Published: , by Jonathan M. Hethey,reading time: ~2 minutes
Ghost: Blogging Platform on node.js: I backed!
I just backed Ghost on Kickstarter. Ghost is, according to the ambitious authors, going to be a blogging platform based on node.js, that will be extendable with plugins and themes, like WordPress.
My incentive for throwing in 10£ was that backers get a month early access to the projects source code, whereas everyone else will be granted that about a month later. Time for me to poke at this project, which I am burning to do.
Features of Ghost
A really amazing thing I really miss about WordPress is support for MarkDown out of the box. Apart from that, the visual appearance seems to be very simplistic and easy to approach, which I would surely appreciate for my clients. Based on the blazing speed of node.js is a huge bonus for me, since I've started digging into that and am currently building a project on the same platform.Will it replace WordPress?
What kind of question is that? 20.000 Plugins, countless Themes and a huge community, combined with the spread of PHP in our server landscape will not go away, no matter what chunk Ghost rips out of the pie that WordPress has in the current web industry.A lot of interested people want to see this happen though, as the Kickstarter campaign shows.