Published: , by Jonathan M. Hethey,reading time: ~2 minutes
What writing a book looks like
I just wanted to show, quite quickly, what combination of windows I've been looking at a lot in the past months.
Basically I've been writing the book I've been talking about in gVim, which is a GUI frontend for vim. With it I use the Tomorrow Theme and Adobe's Source Code Pro.

Git for Book writing
Git is amazing and I love it. I've been using it to write the book and to track my MarkDown source files. It's been really easy to figure out when I did what, which is great when you're dealing with several releases of software and you have to adjust things. It flags everything you change, everything you add, everything you take away. It's nice to know that no matter what you do, you can always go back, you have a history in many small, but meaningful pieces.Editing and Revisions
The editing was done in regular office software like Word and Libre Office/Open Office to correct mistakes, elaborate, clarify, etc.It's very reasonable and it's been a struggle for me once in a while, because I have a hard time using desktop publishing and home office products. They crash, are buggy and just don't offer a very good writing experience. This I think was the hardest part!