2025-03-01π Golang Proxy HTTP Requests via TOR
2024-12-09π Email Verification and Validation
2024-11-29π Writing for Developers
2024-10-26π Golang: Import Module from Sub Directory
2024-06-18π Caddy inside Docker with Redirects
2024-06-16π Cache-Control with GO REST APIs
2024-06-13π Caching with Golang and mongodb
2024-04-04π Making a Weak Auras Chat Automation
2023-10-01π Visualising Data with Grafana Loki From Scratch
2023-04-09π Watched: Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
2023-04-09π Watched: Everything Everywhere All at Once
2023-04-03π Free ebooks for the Kindle Paperwhite with Project Gutenberg
2023-01-22π Building a Mastodon bot with GO
2022-11-28π Mirroring Next.js Blog to Gemini
2022-11-27π What is a Blurhash?
2022-11-26π Gemini Mirror from Hugo
2022-11-25π Simple Webserver on Windows
2022-11-23π Cheap Email API: Mailgun Flex Plan
2022-11-22π Mastodon Mythbusting: November 2022
2022-11-20π Building a Text Annotation Component with React
2022-11-20π Webfonts: Using Local Fonts as Source
2022-11-13π Encoding webm Videos with ffmpeg: vp9 / av1
2022-11-12π Visualising Graphs with JavaScript (d3js)
2022-11-09π Twitter has been Cancelled
2022-11-06π Getting Started with Gemini
2022-11-05π Next.js: RSS with Static Site Generation
2022-11-03π Processing Files with Docker Volumes
2022-10-25π Syntax Highlighting with MDX in Next.js
2022-10-04π tmux: Show Current Directory in Window Status
2022-03-29π Nginx 410 maps and Custom Error Page
2022-03-22π Nginx and External Config Files for Redirects
2022-03-20π OCR in GO for EFT screenshots (part 1)
2020-11-02π Music Monday: Devil Special (Dover, Bridge City Sinners)
2020-10-21π Exway Flex (Riot) Review (600+ km)
2020-08-02π How to Fix: Adobe Premiere JPG / Still Image Glitch
2020-08-02π Mocking HTTP Connections in Golang Tests (scraping and API)
2020-02-09π Updating PHP 5 (or any other) Apps with Docker
2019-11-03π How to set up an SSH Honeypot (low interaction) and live stream it
2019-07-20π Showing Indentation, Spaces, Tabs (Invisibles) in Various Editors
2019-07-15π Raspberry Pi (4) Kiosk / Wall Display / Dashboard
2019-07-12π How to quit vim / nano / any text editor on Linux
2019-07-10π CSS RGB/CMYK Channel Splitting
2019-07-06π BitDegree: Review / First Impressions
2019-06-17π Music Monday: Sabaton, Combichrist, RAMMSTEIN, Storm Seeker
2019-06-04π Cookies, sessionStorage, localStorage. What's the difference?!
2019-05-28π Web Components 101: Hello World
2019-05-17π Unit Tests with Rust Tutorial 101
2019-05-10π What is a QR code?
2019-05-03π Bonding: Season 1
2019-05-03π What is an Interface?
2019-05-02π Fuck You, Pay Me. [Video]
2019-04-27π Building law.photography
2019-04-26π Best Cheap Linux VPS Hosting 2019
2019-04-24π Love Death Robots: Season 1
2019-04-05π Deploying a Nuxt.js App with Docker
2019-01-06π Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse; Visual Style Mashup Deluxe
2018-12-24π Getting Started with Flutter on Linux for Android [Beginner Tutorial]
2018-11-18π Physical Location Security (Wild West Hacking Fest Talk)
2018-09-11π Lenovo IdeaPad 120s-14 AP Review
2018-07-28π Using Vue.js with Parcel.js Tutorial
2018-07-22π Getting into Open Street Map (Copenhagen)
2018-07-03π Deploying a Vue.js Single Page App (including Router) with Docker
2018-05-28π Music Monday: Mono Inc.
2018-05-27π The Sanskrit Effect
2018-05-01π Redlands #1: Witches in Florida
2018-04-30π Music Monday: Storm Seeker
2018-04-28π It's a bit shit, but I like it
2018-04-23π Your Favourite Jerk
2018-04-19π Rust Nightly or Stable with Rustup and "may not be used" error
2018-04-18π Perceived vs Actual Cause of Death by Aaron Penne
2018-04-17π More Awesome Than Me
2018-04-17π Taking Things for Granted
2018-04-03π Dokku with Multiple Domains and Letsencrypt
2018-04-01π Gatsby.js, a new and versatile static site generator
2018-03-26π Music Monday: Editors
2018-03-18π Why I Love: Radar Charts
2018-02-18π Golang Goroutines and Channels with Custom Types
2018-02-17π Goroutines, Channels and awaiting Asynchronously Operations in Go
2018-02-11π WordPress Filters Example for Beginners
2018-02-04π Parsing Your Data from the Habitica API
2018-01-27π Habitica Habit Tracker Review
2018-01-25π How to Create a Custom Landing Page in WordPress
2018-01-21π How To: Detect Ad Blockers (adblock, uBlock, etc)
2018-01-18π YouTube disables Monetization for Low Traffic Channels
2018-01-17π Illustrated Guide to getting started with Golang
2018-01-16π Creating a Chatbot for Slack with Node.js in 17 lines
2018-01-14π Managing Dependencies with Govendor (Heroku, Dokku)
2018-01-14π Typescript and Node.js Tutorial for the Backend (Beginner)
2018-01-09π WordPress: Which Plugin Loads Script? (Contact Form 7, jQuery)
2018-01-07π Using Preact with WordPress Themes, Plugins and more
2018-01-03π Parcel.js and PostCSS Rule Nesting
2018-01-02π Whitelines Paper Review
2017-12-31π 2017 Review
2017-12-31π Heroku Alternative: Dokku
2017-12-11π Programming for Beginners: Cut Out All Unknowns
2017-12-10π WordPress .htaccess and Permalink Cheat Sheet
2017-12-09π Handlebars Custom Helpers and Chaining
2017-12-08π What is Patreon?
2017-12-06π Deploying Go Apps with Systemd in 10 Minutes (without Docker)
2017-12-03π Creating a simple Markdown Blog with Go and Gin
2017-12-02π Go, Gin and HTTP / Basic Auth
2017-11-26π Visualize / Analyze Disk Space on Windows, Linux and Mac OS
2017-11-09π Work every day like you just got fired
2017-11-07π Vue.js API Client / Single Page App (SPA) Tutorial
2017-11-05π Building a Simple Searchable API with Express (Backend)
2017-11-05π Music Monday: Doom Soundtrack
2017-10-02π Brick by Brick
2017-10-01π Taking Screenshots with Headless, The Chrome Debuggping Protocol (CDP) and Golang
2017-09-28π Firefox has re-joined the Browser Wars
2017-09-24π A Mastodon Review, is it the next Twitter / Facebook by the People?
2017-09-14π Glass Half
2017-09-11π Music Monday: Combichrist
2017-09-11π Stitching and Appending Images (Screenshots / Memes) Vertically with Imagemagick
2017-08-09π How to use iOS Safari localStorage and sessionStorage in Private Mode
2017-08-07π SQL Dump Probing
2017-08-05π A Comical Guide to Webpack, Vue.js 2, Gulp and WordPress [Tutorial]
2017-08-01π My Best Career Decision so far
2017-07-22π Best Programming Language (and Tutorials) for Beginners
2017-07-21π Chester Bennington
2017-07-20π Watched: Arrival
2017-07-18π Watched: Hidden Figures
2017-07-17π Watched: Wonder Woman
2017-07-15π What has been your best career choice so far?
2017-07-08π Review: Problogger
2017-07-06π Concatenating / Merging .csv on the Linux or Mac OS Terminal
2017-06-18π WebDesign: Scaling Images for the Viewport / Screen
2017-06-02π Antergos-keyring is unknown trust [solved]
2017-05-30π Golang and the Clipboard (mdclip)
2017-05-21π How to keep Soft Line Wrap at Column width Visual Studio Code and MarkDown
2017-05-16π Keep Humiliating Yourself (How to become better at X)
2017-05-07π Image Resizing with Gulp
2017-05-07π Nautilus / Nemo: Missing Image Previews on Linux [SOLVED]
2017-04-17π Music Monday: In This Moment
2017-04-16π Quick Fix: Run C# Code on Linux with Mono
2017-04-14π Reddit Place and how they did it
2017-04-08π Golang TOML Configs Example: MySQL Connection
2017-04-05π Best Fonts for Programming / Developers
2017-04-04π Remarkable - Cool Future Paper
2017-04-03π Custom JavaScript Trigger Functions for Google Tag Manager
2017-04-03π Music Monday: Powerwolf
2017-04-02π Building a Singe Page App with Vue.js Tutorial
2017-04-01π Building a Go(lang) API with echo and MySQL
2017-04-01π Deploying your Golang App without Docker
2017-04-01π Making of: Photographerexcuses.com
2017-04-01π Proxy / Rewrite your API Endpoint into Domain Segment with Nginx
2017-03-26π Best Cheap VPS Hosting Comparison (2017)
2017-03-25π Impression: Steven Soderbergh
2017-02-24π Mental Health Simulation Videos by Katarzyna NapiΓ³rkowska
2017-02-21π Golang: Arrays of Strings
2017-02-21π history.pushState and IE SCRIPT5022: SecurityError
2017-02-13π My Blog and My Career (speedrun)
2017-02-05π Google Webmaster Tools: Add HTTPS as separate property
2017-01-14π Webpack Sass / Scss compiling to separate file
2016-12-11π Job Inverview Question: Jonathan, are you a Rockstar Developer?
2016-11-13π Tracing or Preventing HTTP Redirects in Golang
2016-11-05π [Solved] Laravel: The only supported ciphers are AES-128-CBC and AES-256-CBC with the correct key lengths.
2016-10-27π [Solved] Upgrading Oh My Zsh: Cannot pull with rebase
2016-10-24π [Solved] gitbook TypeError: Cannot read property 'file' of undefined
2016-10-22π Example: JSON Web Tokens with Vanilla JavaScript
2016-10-22π Express, Passport and JSON Web Token (jwt) Authentication for Beginners
2016-10-16π vnstat - Error: Interface "eth0" not available, exiting.
2016-10-08π Reddit for Bloggers and Referral Traffic
2016-10-06π On: Too many Frameworks and if you should use one
2016-10-02π Web Scraping with Golang and goQuery
2016-09-25π How to use SSH keys for Authentication (for beginners)
2016-09-09π Using Sourcegraph Checkup with local file system storage
2016-07-10π Searching the Google Books API with PHP [Quickstart]
2016-06-27π NGINX / Apache: Block Requests to PHP file (xmlrpc.php)
2016-06-05π I need feminism because: Metal T-shirts
2016-05-28π On Being Powerless
2016-05-07π How to get a Job in Tech
2016-05-06π Tech bubbles and the war of user bases
2016-04-18π Only Beat Yourself
2016-03-28π Installing Go on Ubuntu / Debian / Linux Mint with godeb
2016-03-28π JSON parsing in Golang
2016-03-19π Git in 60 Seconds
2016-03-13π RE: Obama on fetishizing our phones. YES, WE CAN!
2016-03-12π Belle Cooper on Learning How to Write
2016-02-07π Crawling an entire Domain / Website
2016-01-29π Accessing Structs in Elixir
2016-01-10π Dogmeat
2016-01-04π Write like tomorrow won't arrive
2016-01-01π Web Crawling with Node.js #2: Building the Page Object
2015-12-27π Show the diff(erence) between two files [free GUI client]
2015-12-26π Bootstrap 4 Grid only and SASS with Gulp
2015-12-26π How to know that you've made it
2015-11-06π Web Scraping / Web Crawling Pages with Node.js
2015-11-01π Re: Acronyms suck (yup)
2015-11-01π Rock Fashion 2015
2015-09-15π Featured on Instagram
2015-09-15π HowTo: Modded Minecraft Server with ATLauncher
2015-09-15π You don't get paid for the fun part
2015-09-15π You're expected to try
2015-08-30π Filezilla, great/best FTP and SFTP client for Windows, Mac, Linux
2015-08-03π Losing Control of the Link
2015-08-03π Overcoming Hard Times (through photography)
2015-06-24π How to: Create a git Merge Conflict
2015-06-19π How to: enable CORS in express.js (node.js)
2015-05-31π Changing your Defaults
2015-05-28π Go(lang) Unit Testing for Absolute Beginners
2015-05-06π (Why) I Killed half of my Social Media Accounts
2015-03-29π Google Chrome Password Manager
2015-03-24π Professionals and Bottle Caps
2015-03-09π Exploring an Abandoned Amusement Park
2015-03-01π Could you Survive a Crash?
2015-02-16π Feminists are not whiny bitches.
2015-02-10π MeRox Meetup #6 Horror Video
2015-02-10π Shoot: clown (2015)
2015-02-10π Shoot: Corpse Bride (2015)
2015-02-04π On Keeping Up
2015-01-20π Skivekonferencen 2014
2015-01-16π On Winning Your Days
2015-01-13π On staying humble
2015-01-07π Charlie Hebdo - Terrorist Attack on Satire Magazine
2015-01-03π User statisticts 2014
2014-12-24π What is #PEGIDA? (sad news from Germany)
2014-12-01π Taking a stab at the Go Language and file permissions
2014-11-19π Arch Linux Updates and Keyrings (key error)
2014-11-18π On building your own tools
2014-09-07π Failed Start-Ups and what they learned from it
2014-07-07π Shoot with Lissa at MeMe #5
2014-06-13π Why I think you should blog
2014-05-20π It's Your Job to Blow up the Barricades Too!
2014-05-08π Anything > Nothing
2014-05-01π Node.js based Forum: NodeBB
2014-04-21π Screencasting for Video Tutorials on Linux with recordMyDesktop
2014-04-20π I just reported my first Premiere Pro CC bug to Adobe
2014-04-13π Creating books with Gitbook
2014-04-05π Github's Atom Editor tried out
2014-03-13π Unit Testing with PHPunit on Windows
2014-02-07π Let's Play: Unganked (our new video game channel)
2014-01-05π Sublime Text style multi line selection with Vim
2013-12-19π Copy MarkDown HTML to Clipboard from the Terminal / Shell
2013-12-02π What writing a book looks like
2013-11-30π Building Relations: On Giving Credit
2013-11-24π GitLab Repository Management published!
2013-11-16π There is no place like ::1 || $yourdomain
2013-09-22π Make Grunt watch for LESSCSS changes
2013-09-20π GHOST launched: first impressions
2013-09-08π Herakut: Something Better Than Perfection
2013-09-03π Search Engine Optimization for Images
2013-07-20π jsnews.de - German JavaScript blog
2013-07-19π Poet - a node.js blogging platform
2013-07-09π Arch Linux
2013-07-09π Speed Project: Time Since Last Post
2013-07-01π Using Adobe's Source Code Pro in Vim
2013-06-22π Geek / Shell humor: kill
2013-06-21π Best/most visual git cheat sheet
2013-06-20π Raspberry PI (2), installing Arch Linux on USB drive
2013-06-18π Private Github Enterprise Alternatives
2013-06-12π MapBox - OpenStreetMap in beautiful
2013-06-06π Why Shells are Awesome
2013-06-03π git tip: define a custom alias
2013-06-02π Quick & Dirty: MarkDown to PDF
2013-06-01π Quick & Dirty: Character Counting
2013-05-29π How to: Start any application from the terminal
2013-05-18π Writing a book on GitLab
2013-05-10π Why I believe in MarkDown
2013-05-09π Ghost: Blogging Platform on node.js: I backed!
2013-05-04π Node.js and blinking keyboards
2013-04-03π WordPress Workshop recap - a first time
2013-03-27π Twitter Cards Support in your WordPress Theme
2013-03-24π see no evil by Hendrik K
2013-03-23π Firefox OS - The Web goes Native
2013-03-06π node.js forever on the raspberry
2013-03-04π To This Day Project
2013-03-01π While you slept - HAVOC, super slow motion
2013-02-27π Increase in Not Found Errors in Google Webmaster Tools?
2013-02-26π Take a site offline with .htaccess
2013-02-23π Object / Class not available in WordPress Theme files
2013-02-17π Automate mobile testing: phantom.js
2013-01-25π WordPress Plugin: Append Link on Copy
2013-01-23π When was the last time you did something for the first time?
2012-12-06π Boot Raspberry PI (2 or 3) from a USB Stick
2012-12-02π 2. December 2012: some snow
2012-11-28π Are you in touch with your darkest phantasies?
2012-10-10π Why you should start using git now
2012-10-04π Serif vs Sans Serif for body text
2012-09-26π WordPress Page Excerpt Widget