Jonathan M. Hethey

Digital Fixer
I'm excited for challenges of all kinds. I want to understand a domain in which the challenge exists and overcome it. Curiousity and communication get stuff done.


I speak:πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ, πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§, πŸ‡©πŸ‡°

Buzzword Bingo

CSSDockerElasticsearchgitGrafanaHTMLIncident.ioJavaScriptKafkaMongoDBNginxNode.jsOpen TelemetryPHPRabbitMQReactSQLsshTypeScriptVue


SumUp - Senior Software Engineer

Mostly backend development in JavaScript / TypeScript. API development and integration with third party services (businesses and governments), operations including observability, service level objectives, incident management and event driven systems development with rabbitmq and kafka.

Most fun bits:

  • Speccing and implementing APIs in fastify to meaningfully connect different domains inside the company

  • Coordinate both plenty of incident responses and knowledge sharings

  • Migration from legacy infrastructure to Kubernetes

  • Partly caused, coordinated and fixed an incident which resulted in an outage that spread to other parts of the company 😎 (whoops)

SumUp - Fullstack Developer

Front- and backend development in JavaScript. API development and integration with third party services, operations of public facing and internal sites.

Most fun bits:

  • Added GDPR compliant user data collection and other frontend components in preact

  • Mentored a fresh hire to become one of our most dilligent frontend (and now aspiring fullstack) engineers

  • Worked on a larger initiative to migrate to a Next.js based frontend

  • Presented our design system πŸ’… at the local React.js meetup

London Startup - Fullstack Developer

Front- and backend development in JavaScript and PHP. Database maintenance, API development and integration with third party services like the facebook API. Involved in large data processing using Node.js, Redis, MongoDB, SQL. Prototyping of frontend features with React. Parsing and import of geospatial data. Unit and end-to-end testing of the stack.

Most fun bits:

  • Bridging CTO and a contracting firm for some of the implementation of our proof of concept

Mindjumpers ApS - Developer -> Head of Technology

Front- and backend web development in JavaScript and PHP. API dependend applications for Facebook and Instagram. Creation of campaign websites and Linux server mangement. Client service and support on third party systems. Consulting for data analysis on global implementation of groupware for social media channels.

Most fun bits:

  • Implementing custom sites and APIs for marketing and influencer campaigns

  • Travelling Europe to train some local marketing agencies in a software (super unrelated to my other duties, mostly an accident)

Tietgen / AspIT - Teacher (Web Development classes)

Tietgen Kompetencecenter - AspIT provides IT related education to young adults with Aspergers Syndrome or similar personality profiles. My role is to teach the students our web curriculum, spanning from CMS to JavaScript frontend development.

Team Online - Intern

Hybrid App programming and API mocking for a large company doing healthcare systems within Denmark. The biggest part of our work was done with Angular.js.

Media P - Intern

San Francisco based company.Video production, camera operation, data workflows, camera firmware management for DSLR filming, technical advisory and general web development tasks.

Most fun bits:

  • Camera operator at a theater production

  • Technical advisor on editing a large San Francisco tech companies JavaScript framework commercial

JonathanMH - "Founder"

I did too many odd web/tech jobs for people to be paid in dinners, so I had to register a company.


I've been lucky to have had the opportunity to work with some very cool reviewers and editors to publish a book and a video course with PACKT.

  • Learning Vue.js 2.0 [Video] - October 2018

  • Gitlab Repository Management - November 2013

Formal Education

  • Erhvervsakademiet LillebΓ¦lt: Web Development (Bachelor)

  • IBA Erhvervsakademi Kolding (NOMA) : Multimediadesign (AP)

Social Profiles

