2017 Review
Everybody who's reading this: Thank you! It probably means you have my blog in your feed reader and that you're a follower.
Most of my blog hits are from strangers that want a quick fix for a coding problem, so thank you for reading this, even though it has no pragmatic value to you!
2017 has been wonderful, mostly due to my private life and off the beaten track endeavors with my better half over at GegenWind Photography, we mainly operate in Copenhagen ;)!
State of the Blog in 2017
It's been quite the ride on the blog as well, compared to previous years it's been picking up quite a bit if steam and some of my tutorials seem to attract attention beyond the usual!I'm very thankful for all the commentary on reddit, the features on "don't do it like that" blog post listicles and all the other feedback I get!
By the numbers
Pageviews: 330,000 (wow, what?!) Most visited from:- USA
- India
- UK
- Germany
- Russia
- 90% Desktop
- 10% Mobile and Tablet
I think this might be one of the few sites on the planet that has decreasing mobile traffic, but hey, people open up this blog when they're programming / researching, right?
10 Most Popular Posts
- Express, Passport and JSON Web Token (jwt) Authentication for Beginners
- Webpack Sass / Scss compiling to separate file
How to mine Bitcoin with your CPU(Please don't though, it's inefficient)- How to: enable CORS in express.js (node.js)
Best (dark) Atom Editor ThemesTesting Coin Hive Crowd Source Monero Mining- Bootstrap 4 Grid only and SASS with Gulp
- Boot Raspberry PI (2 or 3) from a USB Stick (this must be my "evergreen")
- Web Scraping with Golang and goQuery
Atom vs Brackets(Hope I convinced some people to switch ;))
Even though my blog is not financially viable, it's a ton of fun and it gives me so much, random people writing me emails about a fantastic library they wrote which they want me to check out and other things. It's a way to think aloud with a lot of people (at times) listening and throwing the ball back.I want to write more easy, not simple articles about technology and how to get the bare minimum of something working to start learning and exploring. Writing is fun, git commits are fun, technology is fun!
Currently in the pipeline for future posts are:
- Dokku
- Go
- React
(I'm working on somewhat of a dream/moonshot project of mine ;))
It seems that build tools and meta topics in the coding scene seem to get a lot of attention, but as usual I'll blog about whatever I want like Music or work morale.
Read/Write you next year!
- JonathanMH